Our Jiaogulan is in it's purest form, with highest concentration of active ingredients. We know so much about The Immortality Herb, we wrote a book on it, literally!
Jiaogulan Herbal Tea and Capsules
Jiaogulan – The Immortality Herb has more active ingredients then Ginseng. Rich in Antioxidants and Adaptogens it strengthens immune system, normalizes both blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Our Jiaogulan is in it’s purest form, with highest concentration of active ingredients. We know so much about The Immortality Herb, we wrote a book on it, literally!
Jiaogulan – The Immortality Herb
Doctors are saying that Jiaogulan is like Ginseng, only better. Both of them share many Saponins that have a strong effect on our body’s regulatory systems, blood pressure and the immune system as well as the reproductive and nervous systems. However, Jiaogulan has 82 Saponins while Ginseng only has 28. Jiaogulan has additional Saponins called Gypenosides that are not found anywhere else. As a matter of fact, it has the highest number of Saponins found in any one plant in nature.

Both Jiaogulan and Ginseng are very similar in function. For example, out of the 82 Gypenosides of Jiaogulan, 4 of them are exactly the same as the Ginsenosides in Ginseng. A study at the Vanderbilt University in Germany demonstrated that Jiaogulan was 82% effective in treating high blood pressure, while Ginseng only showed a 42% effectiveness. Herbalists offer a caution to people with high blood pressure to avoid higher doses of Ginseng, whereas with Jiaogulan there are no such restrictions.
Jiaogulan has also been shown to be more effective in regulating the cardiovascular system. It has a profound effect on the heart muscle increasing the stroke volume, without raising the heart rate. This means that the heart muscle does not have to work as hard to produce the same amount of blood flow. In a study on dogs who were administered Jiaogulan, it was found that the coronary flow was raised and the heart rate lowered. In the same study a comparison was made between Ginseng and Jiaogulan and Gypenosides, found only in Jiaogulan, were shown to be more potent.
What is Jiaogulan?
Jiaogulan is a herb native to China and Thailand, where it grows abundantly in the wild as a vine. This herb which is known by the locals as the “herb of immortality” is known as such because of it anti-aging properties and the extremely long life-spans of those who consume this wonderful plant. Jiaogulan is traditionally taken as a tea, however in recent years the active ingredient (gypenosides) which has been the subject of research world-wide, has now been extracted and is available in capsule form. Jiaogulan is known as an adaptogen for its ability to help the body adapt to any and all circumstances. All adaptogens – including ginkgo biloba and ginseng, restore balance to the body’s immune system. They are so rare that only 1 in every 4000 plants is known as an adaptogen. Unlike modern pharmaceutical drugs, jiaogulan has no adverse side effects. Today it is the most powerful adaptogen available on the market.
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“Nine years ago I read about a region in southern China where the people enjoy an extraordinary, active life span of 100 years or more.”